Valentine: You're not afraid
The Judge: I wonder what I'd do in their place. The same thing.
Valentine: You'd throw stones
The Judge: In their place? Of course. And that goes for everyone I judged. Given their lives, I would steal, I'd kill, I'd lie. Of course I would. All that because I wasn't in their shoes, but mine.
Trois couleurs: Rouge 1994

Valentine: I feel something important is happening around me. And it scares me.

Julie Vignon: Now I have only one thing left to do: nothing. I don't want any belongings, any memories. No friends, no love. Those are all traps

Julie Vignon: Why are you crying
La servante: Because you're not.
La servante: Because you're not.
Trois couleurs: Bleu 1993

Delphine: I'm not stubborn. Life is stubborn toward me
Delphine: I'm forgetting them. I didn't think of them. You talk of showing things... I don't know, I don't have anything. If I had something to show, people would see it, that's all

Tomas, I know I'm supposed to help you
But I can't
iInstead of being your support
I'm your weight
Life is very heavy to me...
and it is so light to you
I can't bear this lightness
this freedom
I'm not strong enough
In Prague, I only needed you for love
In Switzerland
was dependent on
you for everything
What would happen if
you abandoned me
I'm weak
I'm going back to the country of the weak

"توماس.. أعرف أنه من المفترض أن أساعدك"
لكن لا أستطيع
فبدلا من أن أساعدك
أصبحت حملا على كاهلك
أصبحت حملا على كاهلك
فالحياة بالنسبة لي ثقيلة
بينما عندك خفيفة للغاية
لا يمكنني احتمال هذه الخفة
هذه الحرية
لست قوية بما يكفي
في براغ كنت كل ما أحتاجه منك هو الحب
في سويسرا...
كنت عبئا عليك
في كل شيء
في كل شيء
ماذا سيحدث لو تركتني في يوم ما؟
أنا ضعيفة
أنا عائدة إلى بلد الضعف
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 1988

Weronika : I've always felt that I live in two places

Weronika: What else do you want to know about me
Antek: Everything
Weronika: picks up her purse and gently dumps the contents on the bed in front of him
La double vie de Véronique 1991

Jane Henderson: I... I used to make long speeches to you after you left. I used to talk to you all the time, even though I was alone. I walked around for months talking to you. Now I don't know what to say. It was easier when I just imagined you. I even imagined you talking back to me. We'd have long conversations, the two of us. It was almost like you were there. I could hear you, I could see you, smell you. I could hear your voice. Sometimes your voice would wake me up. It would wake me up in the middle of the night, just like you were in the room with me. Then... it slowly faded. I couldn't picture you anymore. I tried to talk out loud to you like I used to, but there was nothing there. I couldn't hear you. Then... I just gave it up. Everything stopped. You just... disappeared. And now I'm working here. I hear your voice all the time. Every man has your voice

Paris, Texas 1984